RLAX Hotel Visit Massage ★★★☆☆
In Pattaya, Thailand. RLAX comes up on my Google search for “authentic massage home service”.Book for Oil Massage & Aromatherapy.It costs 1,280 bahts for a two-hour session.They take money online. The appointment time is 10 am.I receive a call from reception at 9:55 am. The receptionist typically requests me to pick up my guest in…
Everfit Treadmill Electric Walking Pad ★★★★☆
My GP and health folks told me to exercise regularly, but it’s more challenging than it sounds. Anyway, I discussed it with a mate, who suggested getting a treadmill for home workouts. He reckoned starting with 15 minutes a pop, a couple of times a day. So, I bought one on eBay for a decent…